A guide to effective content marketing for small business

Content marketing serves a multitude of purposes, ranging from enhancing your website’s visibility in search results to attracting new potential customers, nurturing a loyal audience, and boosting revenue.

According to a recent study, a resounding 91% of marketing professionals have experienced success with their content marketing efforts. However, the real challenge lies in determining what content to create. With a vast array of formats and platforms available, the choices can seem daunting, especially for small businesses with limited resources.

In this comprehensive article, we delve into the intricacies of content marketing, exploring effective content types tailored specifically for small businesses. Additionally, we lay the foundation for crafting a successful content content marketing plan, empowering you to harness the power of content and drive your business towards remarkable growth.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is not merely about crafting a blog post and hitting the publish button. It encompasses the entire process of creating, publishing, and disseminating valuable content across the digital landscape.

Your content can take various forms, ranging from insightful articles and captivating videos to engaging social media posts and informative web pages. Whether it’s captivating emails, thought-provoking tweets, or meticulously crafted landing pages, the ultimate goal remains the same – to establish brand awareness and connect with a wider audience.

But content marketing’s impact extends far beyond mere brand recognition. It empowers businesses to engage with their customers at every stage of their buyer journey, providing them with valuable information that resonates with their needs and interests.

At its core, content marketing is a long-term strategy that serves businesses of all sizes, from established enterprises to burgeoning startups. Even small businesses can leverage the power of content to establish a strong brand presence, differentiate themselves from competitors, and position themselves as experts in their respective fields. Moreover, content marketing plays a crucial role in attracting new leads, effectively nurturing relationships, and ultimately driving sales and conversions.

4 types of content + best practices for small business owners

As an online store proprietor, your focus cannot solely lie on your products. You must also incorporate relevant content to captivate and engage your target audience. Identifying the right content and effectively implementing it can be a daunting task.

Whether your store resides on eBay or Etsy, or you operate your own Shopify website, the content you publish can significantly impact site traffic and boost sales. To assist you, we’ve compiled a list of the most effective content types for eCommerce websites, along with strategies to help you produce it effectively.

To thrive in the competitive eCommerce landscape, you must go beyond simply showcasing your products. By creating engaging and valuable content, you can establish a strong brand presence, attract new customers, and ultimately boost your sales.

Blog content

Blogging remains an enduringly popular content format for eCommerce websites, particularly due to its remarkable versatility. Blog topics encompass a vast array of formats, ranging from informative news posts and detailed how-to tutorials to comprehensive reference guides and thought-provoking opinion pieces.

Blogging not only serves as an effective means of engaging your target audience but also positions you as an authority in your respective field. By consistently producing high-quality content that addresses the needs and interests of your customers, you establish yourself as a trusted resource and build credibility within the eCommerce ecosystem.

Best practices for blog content

Entice your readers with captivating headlines. Initial impressions matter, and your headline is often the deciding factor in whether or not your blog post gets clicked on. Ensure it’s engaging, relevant, and irresistible.

Break down content barriers with concise paragraphs. Many blog readers gravitate towards shorter, more digestible text. Divide your content into manageable chunks to enhance readability and keep your audience engaged.

Visualize your ideas with captivating images. Pages laden with text-only content can appear monotonous and unappealing. Infuse your blog with eye-catching or humorous images to break up the text, enhance visual interest, and maintain reader engagement.

Establish a consistent publishing cadence. Regularity breeds loyalty. When your audience knows when to expect new content, they’re more likely to return to your site. Strive to maintain a regular publishing schedule to build anticipation and keep your audience coming back for more.

Stay relevant by tailoring your topics. Stay ahead of the curve by incorporating trending keywords and phrases within your industry. Provide your brand’s unique perspective on these topics, adding a touch of personalization and demonstrating your industry expertise.

Seasonal themes add personality and freshness. Explore seasonal topics like summer blogs to inject your brand with a touch of personality and keep your content fresh and engaging throughout the year.

How to repurpose old blog posts and improve SEO for free

Repurposing old blog posts is a valuable strategy that offers multiple benefits. First, it saves you time by utilizing existing content, allowing you to focus on creating fresh material. Second, it extends the lifespan of your content, reaching a wider audience over a longer period. Finally, it enhances visibility and engagement, boosting your search engine rankings.

Fortunately, repurposing blog posts is not a complex process. It’s a smart content marketing strategy that can be implemented effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get started:

1. Identify high-performing blog posts: Begin by evaluating your existing blog posts to identify those that have consistently generated traffic and engagement. These posts hold the potential for successful repurposing.

2. Categorize your content: Group your high-performing blog posts into categories based on subject matter, audience interest, or other relevant factors. This categorization will facilitate the repurposing process.

3. Choose the right repurposing format: Select a repurposing format that aligns with the content and your target audience. Popular options include creating infographics, videos, social media posts, or email newsletters.

4. Edit and adapt your content: Carefully review and adapt the original blog post to fit the chosen repurposing format. Ensure the content remains concise, engaging, and relevant to the target audience.

5. Promote your repurposed content: Share your repurposed content across various channels, including social media, email newsletters, and your website. Utilize relevant hashtags and engage with your audience to maximize visibility.

By following these steps, you can effectively repurpose your old blog posts, extending their reach and maximizing their impact. This strategy not only saves you time but also amplifies the value of your existing content, boosting your overall content marketing efforts.

Identify the blog posts that people liked

Instead of haphazardly selecting blog posts for repurposing, leverage the power of data analysis. Scrutinize your blog analytics to identify the posts that have garnered the most page views, comments, and social media shares. These high-performing posts possess the potential to resonate with a wider audience and yield even greater results when repurposed.

By focusing on your most successful content, you can effectively target your repurposing efforts and maximize their impact. This data-driven approach ensures that your efforts are aligned with the preferences of your audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement and expanding your reach.

Update and republish one old blog post/month

Consider incorporating a dedicated section in your editorial calendar for repurposing old blog posts. Establish a monthly schedule to revamp one or two high-performing posts. With each repurposing endeavor, revitalize the content by incorporating recent developments, eliminating outdated information, crafting a fresh title and call-to-action, and adding relevant links if necessary.

Write round-up posts

Since your blog posts are already categorized, consider creating roundup posts that highlight the most popular articles from each category. Summarize the key takeaways and provide a link to the original post for your readers to delve deeper into the relevant topic.

Write a best-of-the-year post

Revisiting the Year’s Top Hits: Our Most Popular Blog Posts

As the year draws to a close and we reflect on the past twelve months, it’s time to celebrate our most popular blog posts that captivated our audience and resonated with their interests. These top-performing articles not only generated significant traffic and engagement but also demonstrated the strength of our content and the value we provide to our readers.

(Insert Top 10 Blog Posts, each with a brief summary of the topic, key takeaways, and links to the original posts)

1. Title of Post:

  • Summary of the topic
  • Key takeaways from the post
  • Link to the original post

2. Title of Post:

  • Summary of the topic
  • Key takeaways from the post
  • Link to the original post

3. Title of Post:

  • Summary of the topic
  • Key takeaways from the post
  • Link to the original post

4. Title of Post:

  • Summary of the topic
  • Key takeaways from the post
  • Link to the original post

5. Title of Post:

  • Summary of the topic
  • Key takeaways from the post
  • Link to the original post

6. Title of Post:

  • Summary of the topic
  • Key takeaways from the post
  • Link to the original post

7. Title of Post:

  • Summary of the topic
  • Key takeaways from the post
  • Link to the original post

8. Title of Post:

  • Summary of the topic
  • Key takeaways from the post
  • Link to the original post

9. Title of Post:

  • Summary of the topic
  • Key takeaways from the post
  • Link to the original post

10. Title of Post:

  • Summary of the topic
  • Key takeaways from the post
  • Link to the original post

We are grateful for the incredible response we received from our readers throughout the year. Your engagement and feedback motivate us to continue creating high-quality content that informs, inspires, and empowers you.

As we look ahead to the new year, we are excited to explore new topics, delve into fresh perspectives, and continue delivering valuable content that adds value to your lives. Stay tuned for more exciting blog posts in the coming months!

Update and promote old eBooks, guides, etc.

While eBooks are not directly equivalent to blog posts, they are often compiled from a collection of existing blog articles. In addition, you likely wrote a blog post to promote your eBook when it was first published. This suggests that the content within your eBook holds value and can be repurposed to reach a wider audience.

There’s no reason to shy away from updating and promoting your old eBooks, guides, and other comprehensive content. After all, even Merriam-Webster updates its dictionary every year, demonstrating that even the most established resources require regular revision. Similarly, republishing an eBook you wrote five years ago can breathe new life into your content and introduce it to a fresh audience.

By updating your eBooks with the latest information, addressing any outdated material, and enhancing the overall presentation, you can extend the lifespan of your content and maximize its impact. Just as Merriam-Webster’s dictionary remains a valuable resource due to its ongoing updates, your updated eBooks can continue to provide value to your readers for years to come.

Turn blog posts into videos or animations

For B2B businesses and small enterprises, converting a comprehensive blog post into an aesthetically captivating video or animated presentation is one of the most effective strategies to engage your audience.

By captivating your viewers’ attention with visuals and audio, you can effectively convey your message and leave a lasting impression. This transformed content can then be shared through a blog post and distributed across social media platforms, amplifying its reach and visibility.

Partnering with a skilled graphic designer ensures that your presentation is polished, visually appealing, and aligns with your brand’s identity.

This collaboration elevates your content’s overall quality, making it stand out from the crowd and capture the imagination of your audience.

While this may require additional time and resources, the investment is well worth it in the long run. A visually stunning presentation will not only attract more viewers but also establish your brand as a leader in your industry.


Video content seamlessly blends modern aesthetics and visual appeal, making it a highly effective tool for capturing the attention of today’s digital consumers. Just like blogging, video content can be crafted to address a wide range of topics and engage viewers on diverse levels.

In the context of eCommerce websites, video content offers a unique opportunity to showcase products in action, providing customers with a deeper understanding of their functionality and benefits. Additionally, it serves as a valuable resource for disseminating additional information about products, such as features, specifications, and usage instructions.

Moreover, video content has been shown to foster stronger connections with buyers, enhancing their emotional attachment to the brand and fostering customer loyalty. By effectively conveying the value proposition of products through video, eCommerce businesses can cultivate a more engaged and loyal customer base.

Best practices for video content

  • How-to videos: Whether you create written or video tutorials, you’re demonstrating your expertise and establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Videos are particularly effective for explaining procedures that are better visualized, and they resonate well with younger audiences.

  • Product videos: Product videos are essential for any eCommerce website. They provide a clear view of the product, demonstrating how it works and highlighting its benefits. This helps customers make informed purchasing decisions and increases the likelihood of conversions.

  • Transcripts: Including a transcript of your video not only improves your SEO ranking but also caters to viewers who prefer reading to watching. Search engines cannot yet process and index videos directly, so providing a text-based version of your content ensures that search engines can recognize and rank your video.

  • Live streaming: Live streaming is revolutionizing content marketing. Viewers can interact with brands in real-time, fostering engagement and building a stronger connection with the brand. The live streaming industry has seen exponential growth in recent years, and its value is expected to surpass $184 billion by 2027.

Social media

Social media is an indispensable tool for any eCommerce website. Engaging content on social media platforms can effectively drive traffic to your main website, attract new customers, foster deeper connections with shoppers, and promote sales events and campaigns. Moreover, social media marketing is a cost-effective solution, offering a significant return on investment without incurring significant expenses.

Best practices for social media content

Nurture meaningful relationships with your social media audience. Engage with your followers by responding to their comments and messages promptly. Initiate conversations by asking questions and participating in discussions. Remember, social media is a two-way street; fostering genuine connections is crucial for building a loyal customer base.

Adhere to the 70-20-10 rule for effective content distribution. This guideline suggests allocating the following proportions to your social media posts:

  • 70%: Share content that is relevant to your products and services, but avoid being overly promotional.

  • 20%: Repurpose or share content created by others, such as industry experts or thought leaders. This demonstrates your willingness to engage with the wider community.

  • 10%: Dedicate a small portion of your content to promoting your own products and services.

Consider the demographics of each social media platform to ensure you’re targeting your content to the right audience. Here’s a breakdown of user demographics for the most popular platforms:

  • Twitter: Ages 18-29, predominantly male (34.1% female, 61.29% male)

  • Facebook: Ages 25-34, balanced gender distribution (44% female, 56% male)

  • Pinterest: Ages 25-34, predominantly female (76.2% female, 17% male)

  • Instagram: Ages 18-24, relatively balanced gender distribution (48.2% female, 51.8% male)

  • Snapchat: Ages 18-24, slightly favoring females (51% female, 48% male)

  • TikTok: Ages 18-24, favoring females (54% female, 46% male)

Utilize social media scheduling tools to streamline your content management. These platforms allow you to pre-schedule posts and automate your social media presence, ensuring you maintain consistency and reach your audience effectively. Popular options include Hootsuite and Sendible.


Email marketing remains a cornerstone of effective eCommerce strategies. It provides direct communication with customers, enabling you to inform them about new sales, promotions, product launches, and personalized recommendations. Additionally, surveys embedded within email campaigns can gather valuable feedback, helping you refine your website and enhance the customer experience.

While email marketing best practices vary depending on the specific content being promoted, several general guidelines can be followed to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Best practices for email content

Craft compelling subject lines that pique curiosity and entice recipients to open your emails. A well-crafted subject line is crucial for capturing attention and driving engagement.

Personalize your email content by leveraging customer purchase history. Offer tailored recommendations based on their past purchases, inform them about discounts or promotions on items they’ve shown interest in, or introduce them to products that align with their preferences.

Leverage transactional emails to enhance customer experience. These emails are triggered by specific customer actions on your website, such as registering, making a purchase, or leaving an item in their cart.

  • Welcome email: Welcome new subscribers and provide them with a brief overview of your website’s features and offerings.

  • Follow-up email: After a purchase, send a follow-up email requesting product reviews, ratings, or feedback to gather customer insights.

  • Abandoned cart email: Remind customers who left items in their carts about the products they were interested in and offer incentives to encourage them to complete their purchases.

  • “We miss you” email: Reach out to inactive customers to rekindle their interest and entice them to return to your site with attractive offers like discounts, free shipping, or exclusive promotions.

7 content marketing tips for small business owners

Identify a clear goal

Establishing clear objectives before embarking on content creation is crucial for developing an effective strategy. Align your content marketing goals with the overall business objectives to ensure that your content efforts are aligned with the company’s overall direction.

If the overarching goal is increasing sales of handmade sun hats to 10,000 units this year, tailor your content to attract potential customers seeking these specific products. Conversely, if the priority is establishing the CEO as an industry influencer, focus on creating blog posts that showcase their expertise using relevant terminology within the niche market.

Define your audience

Your target market comprises a specific segment of consumers that your product or service is designed to cater to. By thoroughly comprehending your target audience, you can effectively identify the most suitable media outlets and publications to reach them effectively.

Understanding the demographics, interests, and online behavior of your target market allows you to tailor your content to resonate with their preferences. This targeted approach ensures that your messaging is relevant, engaging, and has a higher likelihood of capturing attention and driving conversions.

Decide on a tactic

Once you have clearly defined your target audience and their preferences, you can select the most appropriate outlet(s) to reach your customer base effectively. A wide array of channels can be leveraged to engage with your target market, each offering unique advantages and potential reach.

A 2019 survey revealed that 94% of content marketers utilize social media as a primary distribution channel. Hubspot, a leading digital marketing platform, identifies additional popular content marketing tactics, including videos, blogs, infographics, case studies, interviews, eBooks, and white papers.

While these are effective strategies, don’t limit your content marketing efforts to these few formats. Hubspot has compiled a comprehensive list of over 44 content formats to help you diversify your approach and engage your audience with creative and engaging content.

Create quality content

Sustained success in content marketing necessitates consistent and high-quality content creation. While a single viral article can bring significant traffic, relying solely on such instances is an unsustainable strategy.

The key lies in producing fresh and engaging content on a regular basis. Whether it’s blog posts, eBooks, or social media updates, regularly updating your content ensures that you remain relevant and capture the attention of your audience. Staying abreast of industry trends and incorporating them into your content is crucial for delivering valuable and up-to-date information to your readers.

Track your results

Effective content marketing hinges on continuous evaluation and improvement. By closely monitoring the performance of your content, you can gain valuable insights into what resonates with your audience and what requires refinement.

Utilize analytics tools to track key metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement, and lead generation. This data provides invaluable feedback, allowing you to identify successful content formats, optimize your content distribution strategies, and make informed adjustments to your overall content marketing approach.

By continuously evaluating and optimizing your content, you can ensure that your efforts are aligned with your target audience’s preferences and drive measurable results over time.

Don’t be afraid to experiment

Content marketing is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. What resonates with one audience may not work for another. Therefore, embrace experimentation and adaptability to optimize your content marketing efforts.

Don’t shy away from trying different content types, formats, and promotion strategies to discover what best engages your target audience. Analyze the performance of your experiments, identify patterns, and refine your approach based on the data you gather. By continuously experimenting and adapting, you can tailor your content marketing strategy to the specific needs and preferences of your audience, achieving greater success over time.

Start creating a killer small business content marketing strategy

Crafting an effective content marketing strategy goes beyond churning out blog posts or videos. It’s about taking a holistic approach that encompasses content creation, distribution, and desired outcomes.

This requires careful planning, meticulous execution, and collaboration across various teams within your organization.

It’s crucial to understand that developing a robust content strategy is not an overnight endeavor. However, by embarking on this process early, you can accelerate your progress and achieve your established objectives more effectively.

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